It's been quite a long time since I wrote last time. The weeks and months have past and the summer has already turned into autumn. I have been on holiday late August and at the beginning of September. Our family took the vacations in Greece and in Lapland in Finland. In both places we had such a fun time. The best about both trips were having the quality time with the family, good food and totally getaway from normal routines.
Here is a few pictures from our holiday in Greece, Kos Island. I'll write later more on our road trip in Lapland.
Have you made any trips to abroad or in your home country lately? What has been the best about your holiday?
Holiday: Time to relax <3
Bananas growing near the pool.
My second hand cherry dress
Our nice hotel Peridis Family Resort in the evening.
Palm trees
What a lovely cat <3
In the old town of the Kos city
We took a nice tree island cruise and we visited Pserimos, Kalymnos and near Plati islands.
Pserimos Island
Dress - second handScarf - vintageSunglasses - Alexander McQueen
Kalymnos Island
Natural sponges
Café frappe in Kalymnos. A lovely lady from a gift shop gave me the flowers.
Sandals - Ecco (These are probably the best sandals I ever had.)
Jacuzzi at Peridis Family Resort in relaxing area.
Trousers - Freddy
Top - Stocker
Sunglasses - Alexander McQueen
So happy on holiday :).
On vierähtänyt aika paljon aikaa siitä, kun viimeksi kirjoitin. Viikot ja kuukaudet ovat hujahtaneet ohi ja kesäkin on ehtinyt vaihtua syksyksi. Vietin vielä viimeiset kesälomaviikot elokuun lopulta syyskuun alkuun. Olimme perheeni kanssa Kreikassa ja Lapissa. Molemmat reissut olivat oikein onnistuneet. Parasta molemmissa reissuissa oli perheen kanssa yhdessäolo, hyvä ruoka ja totaalinen irtiotto arjesta.
Ohessa oli muutamia otoksia Kreikan lomareissusta. Kirjoittelen meidän karavaanarireissusta Lappiin myöhemmin.
Oletko sinä lomaillut viime kuukausina ulkomailla tai kotimaassa? Mikä on ollut lomassa parasta?
Mrs. HeyDahl
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